Thursday, July 18, 2013

Swooning over the Salty Sea

Well, I've had a fairly productive week. I cold called some firms in pursuit of internships, I got my first credit card, and I have been sewing my butt off. Well, I guess technically I've been cutting my butt off, but that's not really something people advertise on the internet.

I cut all the pieces for ONE of the two swoon quilts I'm doing, and I finished my first block!

Pardon the shadow.

It surprised me just how BIG these blocks are. 24 inches is not tiny. 24 inches is VERY not tiny. I can't believe I'm making 17 of these.

I also finished piecing my Salt Water Triangles quilt together! I'm very excited with how it turned out. And it came together so quickly, I think it took maybe 8 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to piece it all.  I think I'm going to put a couple borders on it, though. It's a little small for my taste. But I've been brainstorming, and I think I have a battle plan.

My dream quilt :)



  1. Ahhhh your swoon is so awesome!!! :D are you really making 17 blocks? That seems like a weird number haha. Are you making two gigantic ones with all nine blocks? That's pretty amazing!

    I love your triangles! Those points are perfect :) yay for progress! And watching waaaay too much tv because of quilting!

  2. This is awesome!

  3. The saltwater quilt is great - can you get any more of the fabric?

  4. you're swoon is lovely. i'm doing a swoon now too and doing a solid and a print (like you in this block). it shows it off with full impact!
